Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why Microsoft deserves credit for Windows 8 innovations, even if people end up hating them

Why Microsoft deserves credit for Windows 8 innovations, even if people end up hating them

. There's no shortage of people criticizing Microsoft (MSFT) over the decisions it has made with Windows 8 and its Surface tablet, from analysts to OEMs to game developers. And to be fair, I think a good deal of the criticism has merit: the switch from the standard desktop UI to the UI Formerly Known as Metro might indeed be too jarring for many users - the UI may be great for tablets, but it seems to be a complete debacle as a desktop UI. Microsoft might have to do some serious kiss-and-make-up with disgruntled OEMs as well if its Surface tablet doesn't create an instant market for Windows tablets.

Boy Genius Report , Why Microsoft deserves credit for Windows 8 innovations, even if people end up hating them, Why Microsoft deserves credit for Windows 8 innovations, even if people end up hating them

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