Friday, December 21, 2012

It feels like bread, it smells like bread, but it's an iphone case

It feels like bread, it smells like bread, but it's an iphone case

You're on a diet and want to pretend you're eating well?  Try one of these 3 Softbank iPhone 4S cases in the shape of a bun. If the fact that they're just as soft as bread doesn't convince you, the smell will do. Created in Japan, they mixed the iPhone's case foam texture with the scent of butter & wheat flower. This isn't the first iPhone case that features cookie or cake designs, usually going together with the impracticability aspect of the aforementioned design. Though, this time being not practical wasn't enough, buy this and you'll smell like a bakery all day long.

The package clearly states: This product is not edible.
It feels like bread, it smells like bread, but it's an iphone case

It feels like bread, it smells like bread, but it's an iphone case

Akihabara News , It feels like bread, it smells like bread, but it's an iphone case, It feels like bread, it smells like bread, but it's an iphone case

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